You are the expert of your life.
The space created will be a place where your expertise and the team’s knowledge come together to illuminate your healing and growth. We look forward to hearing from you.
Wellness is a team effort... together.
The emergency Psychiatric Department of Landspítali University Hospital in Reykjavík is on Hringbraut. You may reach them in person or by telephone 543 4050 or 543 1000.
After-hours Assistance may be sought in the general emergency department or ER.
The Psychiatric Department at FSA University Hospital in Akureyri may be reach at telephone 463 0100.
If you need immediate care, please call 1717. This will connect you to a Red Cross representative. Online or phone support is available through the link.
Pieta provides first aid, accessible services, support and treatment for those at risk of suicide and a bridge to resources for others. The service is completely free of charge and is available to all those who have reached the age of eighteen. The Pieta organization also works to promote knowledge and understanding of psychological pain and suicide. The organization wants to be a leader in suicide prevention in Iceland.
Therapy Cooperative is an advocate for mental healthcare access. The hope is that mental healthcare is included in the universal healthcare system and that mental healthcare is guided by the consumer. Unfortunately, The Department of Health in Iceland does not currently recognize Psychotherapists, Couples & Relationship Therapists, Family Therapists, or Creative Arts Therapies. Despite scientific evidence to the effectiveness and legitimacy of these professions in other European and American countries, the Department of Health in Iceland continues to rejected applications from these associations. Please join us on making people aware and holding the Department of Health accountable.
Until this changes, Therapy Cooperative offers a grant to those who do not have a mental healthcare supporting union. The grant offered is 8 sessions for 9.000 kr per session. The grant expires 15 weeks after the date the grant is offered, if all sessions have not been used. A grant can be renewed, pending wait list availability.
Please contact us at if you or someone you know is interested in taking advantage of this grant. We offer in-person and online sessions.
Many unions and associations offer subsidies for the services of mental health and relational treatment. You may also apply for a grant from Social Services of the municipality in which you live. Some employers are willing to support their staff on the cost of mental healthcare. An active vocational rehabilitation fund is for people who are at risk of dropping out of the labor market due to ill health. Wellness and mental health support are in some cases part of the Active service.
Below is a list of some unions and how much each union subsidises a member to pay for mental healthcare costs. Contact your union, association, or your community service for more information. This information below was posted in 2018 and may have changed without our knowledge. Please check with your union for up-to-date information.
BSRB: 5.000 ISK for each session up to 15 times a year.
Efling: 6.000 ISK per session up to 15 times every 12 months.
Hlíf verkalýðsfélag: For each time a maximum of 6,000.-, but never more than 50% of the cost up to 15 times every 12 months.
Kennarasamband Íslands (Icelandic Teachers’ Association): 10.000 for each session up to 10 times every 12 months.
Póstmannafélag Íslands: for each time 4,500.- never more than 50% of the cost up to 15 times a year.
Rafiðnaðarsamband Íslands (Electrical Industry Association of Iceland):
40% of each session up to 25 times.
Samtök starfsmanna fjármálafyrirtækja (Association of employees of financial companies): 10.000 ISK per session to a maximum of 10 times a year.
SFR: 5.000 ISK per session up to 15 times a year.
Verkfræðingafélag Íslands: The annual grant amount is 75% of the year's premiums for the fund members in question, see the company's rules about health support.
VR: Up to 55.000 ISK a year, depends on the funds in the reserve.
Flugfreyjufélag Íslands: For each time 3,000- to a maximum of 30,000.- over a 12 month period.
Landssamband Lögreglumanna: For each time 6,000.- up to 10 times a year.
BHM does not reimburse.
Email is the best way to communicate with us. We have individual emails and a general email address. We are committed to confidentiality and honouring your privacy. Please do not include confidential or private information regrading your health condition through email.